Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ahhhh... the snow did stop-- this morning!

It did finally stop sometime early this morning... I know it was done at 5:33am because I was woke up to the phone ringing, and while grabbing the phone I peaked out my bedroom window... oh the phone call-- it was my Mom telling me school is cancelled! Oh joy (drip, drip, that is scarism you hear)! So I snuggle in bed a few minutes more and since I can't fall back to sleep and would have been getting up at 6:10 anyways I get up... DH takes Lauren to my Mom's... and I took M to daycare where he will not have preschool, but can still be with his friends!

Oh and it is supposed to start snowing again later today with another few inches by tomorrow! Yippee! Did I mention it can stop now?!

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