Monday, January 28, 2008

Weekend fun.

We had some friends over Friday night, I am helping them plan a trip to Disney in December and it is all pretty new to them. So the kid's had fun with their kiddo's! It was a late night... like 10:30 and the kids didn't even eat dinner till 10pm (I know bad mom-- lol). I did get my new tires on Friday night, so that was a big + in my book (it's the small things that make me happy-lol)!

Saturday was kind of a loaf around the house day... Mason went with me to run a few errands and wash the vehicle (ugh the salt and dirt is horrible!). I took the kids to the library in the afternoon to pick out movies and books... Lauren found some great ones that she can read on her own- really well. (Did I mention that last week we received her testing scores for midyear and she is 4th in the class (out of 20 students)- she scored a 157 out of 183-- very good!)

I made a great dinner that night and Lauren and Paul made dessert-- homemade cookies!

Sunday, we headed to church and the kids to Sunday School... Lauren went with Paul to the grocery store while Mason and I took a nap (I was so tired!). The kids had a fun play day at the house. And from this pic you can see, they really do love each other... actually a few moments before would have been a better pic-- Mason was snuggled up on top of Lauren... it was that snuggling that made me run for my camera!

Last night I went with some girlfriends to Juno! It was a good movie. I had really wanted to see Bucket List, so now I need to get to that one too! I also wanted to see 27 Dresses, but will wait till it comes out on DVD.

Now it is back to school and back to work for the week!

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