Tuesday, January 29, 2008

This crazy weather!

Yesterday was low 50's! Awesome, totally not complaining! Last night it was SUPER windy! This morning was 40's... which is great........except in the next 8 hrs we are supposed to be at -33 degrees with wind chill... that is a HUGE drop in tempeture in such a short amount of time. By 10am they are talking snow to start... this storm moving in has even pushed the schools to let out 2 hours early (due to weather). We are on a weather alert from 9am-9pm! Hopefully it all passes by, but it makes me a little nervous with such drastic changes!

On a good note, if it does snow I can test my new tires out!

1 comment:

Kyra said...

Sounds like Colorado weather. The unofficial state motto is: "If you don't like the weather, wait a day."

It is always 65 one day and 6 the next. A foot of snow one day and it's gone the next. No wonder everybody's windshields are cracked here.

Crazy stuff.